Hello, Tibians! It’s time to celebrate BDT’s 7th anniversary. And for that, we have prepared a super special contest in partnership with Tibia Light !! Show off your skills and creativity in three missions with incredible prizes!!
- The contest starts on Server Save of May 29th and submissions will be accepted until the Server Save of June 29th.
- Submissions in Portuguese and English will be accepted only.
- You can send as many submissions as you want, but you can only win once, considering all missions.
- If you submit more than one entry for the same mission, only one submission from each mission can be selected for the internal final voting. If there are multiple submissions from different missions in the top 3, only the one with the highest placement will be kept.
- Entries containing racist or disrespectful content towards anyone will be disqualified. Every submission presented must be an original work prepared for this contest.
- Submissions containing plagiarism (in this contest or in previous contests) will be disqualified.
- Please note that the general rules of Tibia must be followed.
- The authors of the submissions agree to have their creations published on our Social Media channels.
- The staff of BomDiaTibia and TibiaLight cannot participate in this contest.
- The missions are independent. If you participate in all of them, the boss of the cover doesn’t necessarily need to be the same as in mission 3, for example.
The submission process starts in the channel called “submissions” within the BDT-7-anos-Eerie Creatures category on TibiaLight’s Discord. There, you will click on the button to submit an entry, and the Ticket-Tool will create a channel just for you. Only you and our team will have access to it, so please send everything necessary through that channel. The text for other missions can also be sent in the same channel created by the Ticket-Bot. Concentrate all your participation for this contest in that specific location.
Mission 1 – The Newspaper Cover
A great discovery in the Tibian lands! A new boss has been found by great explorers, and the news is spreading from Gray Island to Liberty Bay! And in order for the news to reach all players, you will need to create the cover of BomdiaTibia’s newspaper, highlighting and informing this great discovery!
- You must create a newspaper cover in the style of a real printed newspaper.
- The cover should include a headline, a brief summary of the article, and an image of the boss.
- Note: This image does not need to be the same as the image from mission 3 (in case the participant also participates in that mission).
- The use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) is not allowed for this mission.
- The cover should have a minimum size of 1020 x 1020 and a maximum size of 1080 x 1920 for digital images, and a minimum size of 30cm x 40cm and a maximum size of 30cm x 80cm for manual covers.
- The artwork can be done manually or digitally. The submission process starts in the channel called “submissions” within the BDT-7-anos-Eerie Creatures category on TibiaLight’s Discord. There, you will click on the button to submit an entry, and the Ticket-Tool will create a channel just for you. Only you and our team will have access to it, so please send everything necessary through that channel. The text for other missions can also be sent in the same channel created by the Ticket-Bot. Concentrate all your participation for this contest in that specific location.
- In your submission, you must include 1 photo of the process and 1 photo of the final work. IMPORTANT: Your character’s name should NOT appear in the artwork.
1º: Golden trophy of excellence + Journal Shield
2º: Silver trophy of excellence + yellow rose
3º: Bronze trophy of excellence + rune emblem of choice
Mission 2 – Challenging the Boss
You were one of the explorers who took part in this discovery. Your mission is to explain to the other players the method used to defeat this new boss! How did this boss come to be? Is it related to an existing quest? Does it represent an already existing monster? Use your creativity!
- You must create a method to defeat the boss. To do this, you should relate it to an existing quest or have the boss represent an existing monster:
- For an existing monster:
- You must create a name for the boss.
- You must indicate which monster this boss will represent.
- Where the boss will be found.
- The frequency of the boss’s appearance.
- The mechanics to defeat the boss (e.g., the mechanics of Zushuka and Shlorg).
- The boss’s health points and experience points.
- The loot dropped by the boss.
- You can include rare items in the loot, but only existing items.
- For a quest:
- You must create a name for the boss.
- You should include this boss in an existing quest, for example: a new boss for the library, a new boss for the Inquisition, or a final boss for a quest that doesn’t have one yet.
- You can use existing NPCs to continue the quest, or create new ones.
- You must create a lore (story) for the inclusion of the boss that is related to the chosen quest.
- The boss can be a global boss or triggered by a lever.
- The mechanics to defeat the boss.
- The boss’s health points and experience points.
- The loot dropped by the boss.
- You can include rare items in the loot, but only existing items.
- The submission process starts in the channel called “submissions” within the BDT-7-anos-Eerie Creatures category on TibiaLight’s Discord. There, you will click on the button to submit an entry, and the Ticket-Tool will create a channel just for you. Only you and our team will have access to it, so please send everything necessary through that channel. The text for other missions can also be sent in the same channel created by the Ticket-Bot. Concentrate all your participation for this contest in that specific location.
- The mission should not be written directly in the Discord channel. You should send a file with the mission or a link for reading (such as Google Drive, OneDrive, etc.).
1º: Golden trophy of excellence + tome of choice
2º: Silver trophy of excellence + bear doll
3º: Bronze trophy of excellence + rune emblem of choice
Mission 3 – Draw a New Boss Using Artificial Intelligence
Hey, you… Yes, you! Are you tired of seeing contests that require art skills and end up thinking you don’t stand a chance? Well… Your chance may have arrived! TibiaLight proudly presents Mission 3 of the contest in collaboration with BDT, named Eerie Creatures. In this mission, your creativity counts a lot, not just your drawing skills. The contest focuses on art, but in a different way. Don’t worry, we’ll explain everything in detail throughout this text.
Theme of this mission:
Create a completely new boss. You must give it a name and create its appearance using artificial intelligence. You can choose which AI to use, but we will provide a recommendation with some tips at the end. You can even get inspired by the boss from Mission 1 that you created, if you are participating in that mission as well.
- When submitting your entry, you must provide:
- Your character’s name.
- World.
- Name of the created boss.
- Prompt used to create your boss (text sent to the AI).
- The submission process starts in the channel called “submissions” within the BDT-7-anos-Eerie Creatures category on TibiaLight’s Discord. There, you will click on the button to submit an entry, and the Ticket-Tool will create a channel just for you. Only you and our team will have access to it, so please send everything necessary through that channel. The text for other missions can also be sent in the same channel created by the Ticket-Bot. Concentrate all your participation for this contest in that specific location.
- The general rules established in this contest, as well as the general rules of TibiaLight, shall be respected. In the case of this specific mission, the use of Artificial Intelligence does not violate Rule 5 (General Rules). We will temporarily waive Rule 1 (Submission Requirements) for this contest, as it is not possible to identify the character in the picture. The character requirements will be temporarily waived; achievements will not be required, but the minimum level requirement of 50 remains.
- The required submission details are mandatory. If any of them are missing, our team will inform you promptly. If the missing information is not corrected by the end of the contest, the submission will be disqualified.
- Please note that while AI allows for this, we prohibit the use of this technology to enhance/edit a manually created drawing.
There are several options for image creation using AI. We ask that you only use free tools or those with a finite number of creations (to ensure a fair competition). Here are some options and links (whenever possible) for beginners to learn and participate:
Option 1: SeaArt. This website is excellent for image creation, but its results are better (and more specialized) when using a pre-trained version for a specific purpose. I will explain how to get started with this method, but the limits will be defined solely by your creativity:
- Visit https://www.seaart.ai/home.Choose the “AI Painting” option from the left menu. It will prompt you to log in. Use one of the available options.
- On the next page, there is an option to enter text. Whatever you write here, the AI will create. Be as detailed as possible, envision your boss’s image in your mind, and describe it in the best way possible. Use commas to separate the creature’s characteristics.
- For better results, it is interesting to use some guides for the AI, predefined forms or types of drawings that you would like to see. This is called LoRA (short for “Localized Reference and Attributes”), as shown in the image:
- Click on the [+] option and choose a type of art that appeals to you as a basis for your drawing. Try to choose options that are related to creatures/animals/fantasy. The option you choose will appear next to the text “LoRA.”
Use your imagination and create freely. For a limited time, this website will have unlimited usage.
Option 2: Use Discord bots for this purpose. There is a simple option called MEE6 bot, which is used in many servers. It allows you to create images using the command “/imagine text,” where “text” is where you write the instructions for the AI to create the image, as detailed as possible. It always generates 3 images, and you can (and should) choose one to use the UPSCALE option, so that the image becomes larger and suitable for submission in the contest. Keep in mind that you have 10 chances to create an image per Discord user. If you want to create more, simply create another user for the purpose of image creation.
There are other options, which depend on your creativity and willingness to explore. Learn and innovate, as this will increase your chances of winning the prize.
1º: The Gods’ Twilight Doll
+ Golden Trophy of Excellence.
2º: Blue Sphere
+ Silver Trophy of Excellence.
3º: Rune Emblem of Choice
+ Bronze Trophy of Excellence
Depending on the number of entries, the staff of BomDiaTibia and Tibia Light will select the appropriate number of finalists (maximum of 10) to be sent for evaluation by other fansite admins. From these, the top 5 with the highest votes will be forwarded to Cipsoft, who will decide the top 3 winners. The results will be announced within 15 to 30 days after the submission deadline.